Integrating eurocode 7 load and resistance factor design using nonconventional factoring strategies in slope stability analysis. Factors of safety in accordance with the principals of eurocode 7 is en 19971, rather than using a global factor of safety as per previous design codes, the factors of safety termed partial factors are applied to the chosen. This program is used to perform slope stability analysis embankments, earth cuts, anchored retaining structures, mse walls, etc. The paper presents the calculus manner for a slope stability check following the eurocode 7 prescriptions. The fact that the eurocode partial factors are also independent of problem type means that dlo and eurocode 7 work well together. Slope stability analysis geotechnical design manual m 4603 chapter 74 december 2006 slope stability analysis detailed assessment of the groundwater regime within and beneath the slope is also critical. Solid lines are for dh 4 and dashed for dh 1, where d is the depth to a rigid layer and h the slope height. The dlo procedure is now incorporated within limitstate. In most european countries eurocode 7 en has been taken into use in geotechnical design. Want to carry out a eurocode 7 or partial factor analysis with ease. Apr 27, 2020 as discussed in chapter 6, verification of strength according to eurocode 7 involves demonstrating that design effects of actions ed do not exceed the corresponding design resistance rd. Worked examples presented at the workshop eurocode 7. Manual for the geotechnical design of structures to eurocode 7.
Very often, particularly for excavated slopes, the limit. Support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the eurocodes. Geotechnical engineering software the perfect choice for. In europe, rock slope stability analysis and slope design have to be based on eurocode 7, which is today the basic standard for geotechnical, including rock engineering, design. Trevor orr trinity college dublin convenor tc250sc7eg3. The choices made by the countries within cen4 are summarized in figure 6. The manual presents a unified design approach to geotechnical engineering and provides guidance across a range of activities, from traditional foundation design to slope stability, retaining wall design, investigation and reporting. Chapters 9 to 14 deal with the design of particular geotechnical structures. Roctopple rounds out our suite of rock slope stability software, which also includes swedge, rocplane, and dips. In the software it is possible to chooce several types of settlements such as. Pslope is another free geotechnical software for windows. Eurocodes ec are a set of harmonized technical rules for the structural design of construction works in the european union. As its name suggests, it is primarily used to analyze and solve problems related to slopes. The graphics and the pointandclick data input are also very good and makes the program very easy to use.
Tutorial 21 slope design with eurocode 7 rocscience. Aug 31, 2011 the charts for circular slips figure a1. Not only will this show the softwares capability but seasoned users can join in to. This essential slope software analyses reinforcing elements such as soil nails, rock.
Geotechnical engineering software the perfect choice for two. Eurocode 7 represents a major change in design philosophy. Pdf integrating eurocode 7 load and resistance factor design. Detailed pieziometric data at multiple locations and depths within and below the slope will likely be needed. Reinforced slopes, stability, design codes, design, eurocode 7 proceedings of the 11 th internatio nal conference on geosynthetics 16 21 september 2018, seoul, korea. Atrest earth pressure factor is used in multiplying earth pressures only in limit equilibrium analyses. Slope design with eurocode 7 71 slope design with eurocode 7 eurocode 7 is a design document that establishes rules and standards for geotechnical engineering design across europe bsi, 2004. The manual, in its component parts bs en 19971 and bs en 19972, along with their associated national annexes presents designers with a unified design approach to geotechnical engineering. Software by dc software open software link slope stability acc. Nov 08, 20 integrating eurocode 7 load and resistance factor design using nonconventional factoring strategies in slope stability analysis. General rules publication date 20041222 international relationships en 19971. Each chapter deals with the topic in a similar manner, discussing the required levels of ground investigation. The purpose of slope stabilization techniques is to increase the factor of safety of a slope to a level that is considered adequate.
Slope stabilization refers to any implemented technique that aims to stabilize an unstable or inadequately stable slope. Eurocode 7 part 1 allows each country to specify in its national annex which design approach must be used within its jurisdiction. Currently, there are 10 eurocodes ec 0 to ec 9 in the standards en 1990 to en 1999. As an everyday engineering tool, slope software is quick and easy to use for a wide range of slope stability problems. Slope stability analysis geotechnical design manual m 4603 chapter 7 4 december 2006 slope stability analysis detailed assessment of the groundwater regime within and beneath the slope is also critical. As discussed in chapter 6, verification of strength according to eurocode 7 involves demonstrating that design effects of actions ed do not exceed the corresponding design resistance rd. The reliability module supports the eurocode 7, allowing for the input of partial safety factors. Pdf stability of reinforced steep soil slopes to eurocode 7. A key feature of all these chapters is a set of worked examples that illustrate the application of eurocode 7 to common problems and. In this software, you can either manually create slope designs or import slope designs in dxf file format. Geotechnical design dublin, 14 june, 20 organization. European commission joint research centre institute for the protection and security of the citizen. Terzaghi 1955, meyerhof 1963, hansen 1970, vesic 1975, brinchhansen 1970, richards et al. The analysis is based on the popular block toppling method of goodman and bray first published in a paper, toppling of rock slopes, in 1976.
Roctopple implements eurocode 7 design standards, which allows you to define partial safety factors for different components of the analysis. Slope performs twodimensional slope stability analysis using the slices. Case 5, 6, and 7 are only used in slope stability analysis in conjunction with cases 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Slope stability da3 eurocode structural design eurocode. The software program uses established methods to ensure the forces andor moments acting on each slice are in equilibrium.
The stability analysis is completed with partial factors applied to. May 26, 2015 lecture capture on slope stability, ordinary method of slices and modified simplified bishops method. You can take advantage of many useful features such as automatic crosssection classification, cross. Eurocode 7 and slope design decoding the eurocodes. Cads reslope is a leading slope stability software package for calculating the factor. Partial factors can be applied by the user and eurocode 7 and british standard partial factors have been incorporated into the program. In order to draw a slope structure or design, this software offers various drawing tools. Geotechnical design dublin, 14 june, 20 support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the eurocodes. Eurocode 7 and slope design summary of key points 1 unless the single source principle is invoked, eurocode 7 requires different partial factors to be applied to unfavourable and favourable actions, which is not possible with typical limit equilibrium slope stability calculations for design approach 1, combination 2. Geo, an easy to use commercial software application designed specifically with eurocode 7 in mind. Aug 04, 2016 the manual presents a unified design approach to geotechnical engineering and provides guidance across a range of activities, from traditional foundation design to slope stability, retaining wall design, investigation and reporting.
Input the slope parameters, discontinuity spacing, dip angle and strength, and roctopple automatically generates the. Slope design with eurocode 7 7 1 slope design with eurocode 7 eurocode 7 is a design document that establishes rules and standards for geotechnical engineering design across europe bsi, 2004. It is expected that eurocodes will not just dominate building design in the uk and mainland europe, but also have a major impact on many other parts of the world. The slope face angle and the height of the slope had only a moderate affected on stability. Slope is the perfect choice for anyone who needs fast and e. European standard norme europeenne europai sche norm en 19971 november 2004 ics 91. Integrating eurocode 7 load and resistance factor design using nonconventional factoring. Slopew can be used to complete a stability analysis with the objective being to check an ultimate limit state in accordance with various limit state design approaches such as eurocode 7, norwegian standard ns 3480, and british standard 8006. Each chart represents a different ru value and the numbers on the curves represent the gradient of the slope i. All rights reserved 7 contents of pren 19972 design assisted by field and laboratory testing contents of pren 19972 annexes. A1997 lthough there are several design approaches in en 1997, slope stability is commonly addressed by applying partial safety factors to material properties and variable loads.
Slope stability report gortadroma landfill waste licence w001704 page 5 of 11 2. The present paper intends to disseminate the eurocode 7 prescriptions, particularly in the domain of the slope stability calculus. Slope stability, embankments and hydraulic failure 6. This essential slope software analyses reinforcing elements such as soil nails, rock bolts, ground anchors and geotextiles to bs8006bs8081. Geo and compliance with eurocode 7 in slope stability analysis vivas mefle, miguel angel abstract limitstate. Slope stability design charts structural design eurocode. Slope w can be used to complete a stability analysis with the objective being to check an ultimate limit state in accordance with various limit state design approaches such as eurocode 7, norwegian standard ns 3480, and british standard 8006. Traditionally a single, lumped factor of safety accounts for all of the uncertainties in the. Rock slope stability analysis according to eurocode 7. Loadcap is a software for the bearing capacity and settlements computation on rocks and loose soils, according to the methods of. Dcslope geotechnical design software slope stability. According to eurocode 7, several principles for stability analysis may be applied, including empirical, limit equilibrium, numerical, and probabilistic.
Includes secant piles, soldier piles, sheet piling, diaphragm walls, and custom wall types. Further discussion on the use of analytical software, such as slopew and sigmaw, within the eurocode design methodology is provided in. The analysis indicated, that of the currently design codes, sans 207 2006 produced the most. It provides guidance across a range of activities, from traditional foundation design to slope stability, retaining wall design, investigation and reporting. Lsweb1514 slope stability analysis with limitstate. For more information on using eurocode 7 in geotechnical design, see smith. For consulting engineers, the transition in structural design procedures from a british standard to the replacement eurocode constitutes a major program of work for any construction. En 19971 is intended to be used as a general basis for the geotechnical aspects of the design of buildings and civil engineering works.
Roctopple is an interactive software tool for performing toppling analysis and support design of rock slopes. Manual for the geotechnical design of structures to eurocode 7, institution of structural engineers. The software in general is very good and ties in well with the way we do things here. Eurocode 7 lrfd slope stability bearing capacity footing on slope 215. Eurocode 7 analysis methods eurocode 7 ultimate limit state combinations active and passive lateral earth pressure factors in eurocode 7. A stochastic distribution of parameters allows for semiprobabilistic analysis as well as dgeo stability slope stability software for soft soil engineering. The interpret program shows the results of the bishop simplified analysis by. Steel structures according to eurocode 3 ec 3 rfsteel ec3 performs all typical designs for steel structures according to eurocode 3, including ultimate limit state, stability, deformation and fire protection. Lecture capture on slope stability, ordinary method of slices and modified simplified bishops method. For further advice, contact the team or download a free 30 day trial. It is featurerich and will aid in the assessment of slopes and the design of engineering. Deepex is the ultimate software for deep excavation design with umatched capabilities.
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